B17 to fight cancer

I was watching Halal Bio on Astro Aosis this morning and the story was about vitamin B17 to fight cancer. Don't I have other things to do other that watching TV! Well actually it was my breakfast time and I usually have it infront of the TV.

I've never heard about vitamin B17 before and having followed the TV program and googling myself when I reach office, I found that vitamin B17 can be found in raw uncooked food. Ranges of food high in vitamin B17 (captured from the internet); Fruits Range - wild blackberry, choke cherry, wild crabapple, Swedish (lignon) cranberry. Seeds Range - apple seeds, apricot seed, cherry seed, nectarine seed, peach seed, pear seeds, plum seed, and prune seed. Nuts (all raw) Range - bitter almond, macadamia. Sprouts Range - bamboo (to my surprise!). Leaves Range - alfalfa, eucalyptus. Tubers Range - cassava (don't know what it is), sweet potato and yams (low).

As for the berries, it's hard to find here unless I live in Cameron Highlands. As for the seeds range, I can find them at the supermarket - next time when we buy apple, eat the seeds as well :-)

Notice that the range of fruits are all grown in western countries. I wonder if there are scientists here doing research on our ulam-ulam to find out the amount of B17 vitamins in our ulam-ulam. If there is, I really like to find out. In the meantime, since B17 is found in uncooked raw food, I should load myself with more ulam-ulam. At present I always have some together with my rice. It's even easier at home as we grow some in our garden. Everytime we have our meal we just pluck some - proven insecticides and pesticides free :-)

In most of the sites that I surf, they are telling about apricot seed or kernel to fight cancer. Some sites do sell the seeds and those in capsule form too. As usual, it's really tempting to try. But I have yet to see the effectiveness of the cendawan susu rimau that I've been taking. Who knows this cendawan might have loads of B17 too :-)

On another note, while I'm on a remission, my elder sister recently found a lump on her breast. I have advised her to go and see the doctor to get the diagosis. It could be or could not be cancerous. As usual she is worried to learn the result and ask for my advise on the cure for it. I gave her the contact number of the organopathy doctor. I wonder if she has already called up the doctor...

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